Your XR Journey, simplified

immersive insiders annual membership

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We've been there too

Starting in XR without mentors is like walking in a dark maze

Ever felt lost in the big sea of XR content online?
Drowning in a flood of YouTube tutorials, unsure of what's relevant and what's not? You're not alone.
  • Scattered information, with no clear starting point.
  • Overwhelming choices, with no help on what's essential.
  • The challenge of self-teaching without any mentors.
  • The uncertainty of whether you're even on the right track.
And let's face it, watching random videos won't land you that dream XR job. 
Here's where we come in

immersive insiders is your compass in the XR maze

  • 7+ Years in XR: Decades of collective expertise teaching XR
  • Global Reach: Educated universities and individuals worldwide.
  • Top-Tier Partnerships: Collaborated with giants like Meta, ShapesXR, and Ready Player Me.
  • Proven Track Record: Thousands of students transformed into XR professionals under our guidance.
  • Empathy & Experience: We've walked the path, faced the challenges, and now guide you with firsthand knowledge.
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Working with leading AR/VR companies

... so you learn what's really important

Every course you'll get

... and every future course we create 😎

Your XR journey, simplified

Control how you learn & progress.

Tailored Learning

Your goals, your pace. Learn at any time based on your needs.


Connect, collaborate, and create with fellow XR enthusiasts.

Live Events

We will keep you motivated with amazing live events with companies like Meta

Career Support

From building a standout portfolio to nailing that interview, we're with you every step of the way.

What else is in for you?

  • Bonus 1: Monthly Live Streams with our Instructors
  • Bonus 2: Full Access to our XR learners Community
  • Bonus 3: Monthly Hackathon Challenges with prizes to win
  • Bonus 4: Our custom built ebooks of most important mistakes to avoid
  • Bonus 5: Access to our immersive talents platform to showcase your portfolio
  • Bonus 6: Get your project promoted on our social media platforms
  • € 497,00
  • € 197,00
  • € 147,00
  • € 97,00

  • € 297,00

  • € 197,00

Total value: € 1432,00 🤯

100 % Money Back Guarantee

Got 30 days to test out immersive insiders? If it's not your cup of tea (or coffee, we don't judge), let us know.

We'll refund you 100% with no questions asked 💯

Even more happy users 👏

Frequently asked questions

If you have any further questions, get in touch with our team. We are always happy to help!

Who is this for?

Basically anyone who is interested in creating applications and experiences using immersive technologies (AR, VR, MR). If you want to contribute to shaping our metaverse this is for you!

What prerequisite do I need?

You'll need a genuine interest in immersive technologies. You will use your own hardware but no worries, most of the modern phones are AR capable already. For VR development you'll need a VR headset or the XR Simulator. Otherwise, there are no prerequisites besides a burning passion for awesomeness.

Which payment methods are accepted?

Pay with PayPal or credit card. No restrictions here.

Why a yearly subscription model?

Simply said: It's in our interest and yours. This model helps us to have a reliable source of income which helps you to have fresh up to date content every month. (Which is a big challenge for the whole XR field).
Imagine paying 10.000€+ for a Bootcamp just to find out that the content is outdated after 3 months because immersive tech evolves so damn fast. Sounds harsh, but this is the real reality we are living in.

Are there any hidden costs?


Can I cancel anytime?

Yeah, no problem. If you don't like it you can cancel anytime.

What if I don't have much time?

Our courses are flexible. Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.
If you have a few hours per week you're good to go!

I'm a total beginner. Is this too advanced?

No worries! We have courses for all levels, from beginners to pros.

What if I don't like it after joining?

We want you to be happy. If you're not satisfied, let us know. 
We only want to work with happy students, so we offer a 30 days money back guarantee.
No questions asked.

Are the courses updated? I want the latest info.

We keep our courses fresh and updated on an anual basis with the latest in XR.

What if I get stuck or have questions?

Our community and mentors are here to help. You're never alone on your XR journey.
However, please also respect our time and don't copy paste every error message you get while experimenting.
Why now?

Why this matters now


Imagine your future in XR

Picture yourself a year from now. You're confidently navigating the XR world, creating breathtaking virtual experiences. Colleagues admire your expertise. Job offers pour in from top tech companies, all because you took the leap into XR early

Don't miss out on this opportunity

This is your moment. Your golden opportunity. But opportunities, especially ones as big as this, don't wait. Every day you delay is a day you're falling behind in the XR race. Those who start early will become the industry leaders of tomorrow.

This is your life - use it

Don't look back many years from now with regret, wishing you'd started earlier. We see and hear this all the time. Dive into the XR world today. Be at the forefront of the next tech revolution. In the end, we all want a life we are proud to look back to.